The Ride Sharing Driver's Best Friend - For Kids

What is one of the biggest challenges for Uber and Lyft drivers? Kids who may or may not be comfortable getting into a car with a stranger.

An inexpensive but thoughtful giveaway leads to more tips from parents and increase your ratings with these tried and tested activity books. They are just enough for a short ride and since you print them yourself, they cost you next to nothing.

You can find them here:
Uber and Lyft drivers can download the file and print these as often as they like, and hand them to kids in their passenger groups. It keeps the kids occupied during the ride and leads to higher rider satisfaction scores.

This little-rider activity booklet came about because necessity is the mother of invention

Since ride sharing looks to be here to stay, it’s time to start accommodating all of our riders.
Activity Books

Everybody loves a free gift. That's especially true for kids. They love getting a little treat and it works as an ice breaker to introduce the driver and the driving rules and expectations.

Here’s one of the positive side effects discovered during field testing – many times parents will use fast food or snacks to distract their child. With this booklet, those parents can keep the snacks in their bags and the savvy driver is less likely to find uneaten French fries stuck in the car seats at the end of the day car cleanup.

Each booklet contains four pages of activities to keep entertained children of a wide variety of age groups. The booklet is designed to take at least the amount of time

Not sure about your printer? Printing instructions are included and can be printed on any home inkjet or laser printer. Driver/entrepreneurs can print as many as they need, as they need them.
